This Saturday our branch went on a temple trip. I started the same as any other, we met at the church, the bus was late. But we stopped at a rest area and I found something amazing. Fancy Land. When I first saw the sign I didn't know what to expect, but it defiantly not what we found. It turned out to be a statue park full of dinosaurs. What?! Yeah, thats what I said, dinosaurs. I guess that Fancy land was probably intended to be Fantasy Land, but of course that's what happens when you let spell check be your translator. But fancy or not Shannon and I had fun with it.
After the temple Lish, Karen and I went to meet up with one of Lish's old teacher friends. We walked around downtown Taipei for awhile and then headed toward Taipei 101 to met up with the rest of the teachers. But I don't know what's wrong with me, when ever we go on the Metro I always put the tokens on my eyes, sadly this is not the first picture of me doing this. Even though I just know that there has to be a billon different kinds of bacteria, and crap all over those things, pink eye or no pink eye, I probably do it again. We walked to the from the Metro Station to Taipei 101 on the way we saw a rabbit. It was Karen's Birthday that day before, and since the rabbit is her Zodiac sign, we stopped and took a picture.
And then of course there was Twilight at the end of this lovely day. Page One has to be the most amazing bookstores I have been to ever. That could be an overstatement but at the moment when I lifted "Breaking Dawn" over my head and and spun around singing the Hallelujah chorus, it wasn't. Plus it was on sale. We went to eat quick dinner at the food court, but like all temple trips it was over too soon, and had to get take out so we could catch the bus. But in similitude to the beginning of the trip, the bus was late and we just ended up waiting around anyway. This quick trip has made me excited for the rest of my travels here in Taiwan. There is still so much to see and to do, I can't wait to get started again.