Wednesday, September 10, 2008

High Speed Rail and Oregon in Taiwan

This last Saturday was a very good day.  I woke up late, I have been in the habit of waking up at six so this was exciting.  I watched Bear Grylls, the survivor guy on Discover.  A very attractive and rugged man, not to mention can drink his own urine in order to survive(perhaps not that attractive).  Then I schleped around in my robe till noon.   One of the other teachers saw me in the the bathroom and in my casual attire and in a expected salutation said, "Good Morning".  I was in such a blissful mood that instead of giving the same back to her, I just said, "I know" and bounced out of the bathroom back to my bedroom. 
Other than my exceptional morning, I also did a few things, such as laundry, bought a ticket to Hong Kong, and made my bed.   That's right my friends after a few minor changed I will be going to Hong Kong in October.  But the week before while I was in Taipei I bought a Tokoy travel book, and was laminating the uselessness of it.  Then my roommate Lish said wouldn't it be fun to go up there and exchange it. And then I though to myself yes, that is wonderful idea.

So at 1 ish we hoped on a train for a whirlwind Taipei adventure.  I'm more of a planer than spur-of- the -moment person, so good for me.  After figuring out where the High Speed Rail was( that took sometime) we were on it, and 45 min later we were there.   I was expecting to be pined down to my seat with the extreme G forces, and have the skin on my face be pushed back exposing my skeleton, but sadly it was not the case (Boo). 

We got there returned the book and got the correct one, ate dinner at Chili's (oh sweet joy, a real salad, and plenty of cold water), and on the way to the Night Market in Shinlin, I saw a fashion show. It was fashion week in Taipei.  


We caught the last HSR back to Taichung, we had to wait a while for it, and when it did come in the excitement I lost my ticket.  You have to have ticket to get in the station and the same one to out of the station.  So when we finally arrived they said in order to leave I would have to buy another ticket.  But don't you worry I complained like any ex-customer service agent can and I got out of paying. (Go me)  But it ended up being a good thing because we had to take a taxi all the way back to Fung Yuan. It was about 630 NT less than 20USD but still a spendy ride. 


While I was at Page One the best book store ever.  I was looking though a few sections and found a book about Mt. Biking in Oregon.  I was so excited I almost cryed, and got very close to buying it. This wasn't the only time I have found things from my home state in such a close vicinity. I was a Sue's (a bake shop) and found a can of Oregon blueberries. 
Oh, Oregon I miss you. *sigh*.


Mary said...

Dude, I sad that I never rode the HSR while I was there, so I'm glad that you did. :) Speaking of Page 1, how did you like Breaking Dawn?

CMD said...

ok miss Jessica, I say you are a poopy head. I have sent you probably 2 or 3 emails plus blog comments and what do I get? NADA? I almost mailed my book right before I moved 70 miles, good thing I read your blog I would know nothing!!!

Audrey said...

Oregon Misses you too! I sent you a B-Day gift last week I hope it gets there on time! Love ya!

Sara said...

Dude- I LOVE Bear Grylls! Except when he bites the head off a snake or puts a t-shirt soaked in urine on his head to survive the desert heat. Gross...It's like a train wreck though...I can't stop watching.